A quick overview of what the resource offers
Home Page
Weekly Financial Statistics: View a graphical representation of the company's financial statistics for the week.
Company Balance: Check the current balance of the company.
Average Weekly Income: See the company's average income for the week.
Employee Statistics: View the total number of employees and the number of employees currently on duty.
Transactions: Deposit or withdraw money from the company account.
Employee Page
Employee Search: Look up specific employees.
Hire Employees: Add new employees to the company.
Modify Employee Grade: Change the grade of an employee.
Terminate Employment: Fire employees from the company.
Adjust Permissions: Change the permissions for an employee.
Grade Page (ESX ONLY)
Create Grades: Add new grades for employees.
Manage Grades: Rearrange grades (move up or down).
Remove Grades: Delete existing grades.
Edit Grade Details: Change salary, label, and grade ID.
Market Page
Add Products: Easily add new products to the market.
Purchase Products: Buy products from the market.
History Page
Transaction History: View the history of hiring, firing, withdrawals, deposits, and bonuses.
Last updated