We have support for ESX, QBCore, and Qbox frameworks. Set this to the framework you are using.
Options: 'esx' | 'qb' | 'qbox'
Code Example
Config.Framework = 'esx'
Set this to a language file. The default is "en". You can create your own translations in the locales/translations folder and set your preferred language here.
Code Example
Config.Language = 'en'
Set this to the currency that suits you.
Available currencies: 'usd' | 'eur' | 'gbp' | 'sek' | 'jpy' | 'cad' | 'aud' | 'cny' | 'chf'
Code Example
Config.Currency = 'usd'
Here, you can customize the colors of the boss menu.
Here, you can add all jobs. Under Settings, you can limit the specific permissions each company has. In PanelAccess, set the job level that should always have access to the job panel. Under Market, specify the items the company can purchase.
Code Example
Config.Jobs= {
['police'] = {
Settings = {
MaxSalary = 100, -- Maximum salary for both grades and personal salaries
EditSalary = true, -- Allow bosses to edit grades' salaries (compatible with ESX)
EditGradesLabel = true, -- Allow bosses to edit grades' labels (compatible with ESX)
EditGradeId = true, -- Allow bosses to edit grades' id (compatible with ESX)
MoveGrades = true, -- Allow bosses to move grades (compatible with ESX)
CreateGrades = true, -- Allow bosses to create new grades (compatible with ESX)
RemoveGrades = true, -- Allow bosses to remove grades (compatible with ESX)
HandleMoney = {
CanWithdrawMoney = true, -- Allow bosses to withdraw money from the company
CanDepositMoney = true, -- Allow bosses to deposit money to the company
-- Roles that ALWAYS have all the permissions to the jobpanel
PanelAccess = {
['boss'] = true,
Market = {
Disabled = false,
Products = {
{ label = 'Pistol', price = 3000, item = 'WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL', image = 'nui://dillen-jobpanel/data/images/weapon_combatpistol.png' },
{ label = 'Assault SMG', price = 3000, item = 'WEAPON_ASSAULTSMG', image = 'nui://dillen-jobpanel/data/images/weapon_assaultsmg.png' },
{ label = 'Flashlight', price = 500, item = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT', image = 'nui://dillen-jobpanel/data/images/weapon_flashlight.png' },
{ label = 'Nightstick', price = 750, item = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK', image = 'nui://dillen-jobpanel/data/images/weapon_nightstick.png' },
{ label = 'Stungun', price = 1250, item = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', image = 'nui://dillen-jobpanel/data/images/weapon_stungun.png' },
{ label = 'Spikes', price = 250, item = 'policesprikes', image = 'nui://dillen-jobpanel/data/images/policespikes.png' },
{ label = 'Handcuffs', price = 250, item = 'handcuffs', image = 'nui://dillen-jobpanel/data/images/handcuffs.png' },
{ label = 'Gas Bomb', price = 250, item = 'WEAPON_GAS', image = 'nui://dillen-jobpanel/data/images/weapon_gas.png' },